1·If you get message again, find out why!
2·If you get message again, find out why!
如果再次看到消息,一定要查明原因! !
3·Select Dequeue and then click Get message.
选择 Dequeue,然后单击 Get message。
4·Each get updates the group status field of the get message options.
5·Regarding behaviours, you need to define only the get message. The object will be created by using this constructor.
6·It seems that it is a pressing task to get message culture normalized although it is very popular in modern society.
7·I'll utilize Ajax to get message information when you read a message, and also utilize Ajax methods to take care of deleting messages.
8·Therefore, comparison of English intonation with Chinese intonation may help us know the sentence structure and attitude well so as for a listener to get message well in communication.
9·An expert believes that by rewarding kids, parents are sending a message that work isn't important unless you can get something.
10·The solution was to get a message to Voyager I to instruct it to use spares to change the failing parts.